Seraphia - The radiant army of Seraphia is full of pompous Elves and boring do-gooders. They specialize in arts of protection, healing, and control - often outlasting their enemy. And if that fails, they can always hope for one of their overpowered angels to swoop in and slaughter the opponent or even grant you an additional turn.
Used mechanics:[]
Heal X - Put your top X cards from Casualties into Heal Pile. Whenever you received DMG, first discard cards from Heal Pile instead of Resources. Discarded cards are removed from the game. You can't draw cards from Heal Pile.
Raise X - Take top X cards from opponent's Casualties into your hand.*
*After this card goes to the Casualties again, it goes to the player's Casualties who stole it. Not the rightful owner.
Card list:[]
Cost 0:
Cost 1:
Cost 2:
Cost 3:
Cost 4:
Cost 5:
Cost 6:
Cost 7:
Expansion - PvP Booster: